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What should I look at before Yuba dealers join the brand?

Editor:Zhejiang GELAN Electric Co., Ltd. │ Release Time:2019-03-09 

Investors who choose Yuba to join must always remember one sentence: investment is risky, and caution is required when entering the market. At present, the disputes in the Yuba market channel have become more and more fierce. The battle for the dealers has not stopped for a while. Various supporting policies and various excellent investment returns are likely to be traps for Yuba manufacturers. The dealer is a deadly temptation. The so-called sky will not fall out of the pie, Yuba dealers can not only listen to one side when choosing a franchise brand, but also need to pay more attention to the following matters. So, what needs to be investigated by Yuba dealers before joining the brand?


First, the dealer should pay attention to the brand's products, because the product is the core of the benefits, mainly considering the maturity and personality of the product.

Second, the price of the product, a reasonable price is an important factor for the dealer to obtain the best profit.

Third, it is the brand's management and operation ability. Because a company with good products but lacks management ability, its growth is not sustained, and dealers are not willing to run a brand that will disappear in a year or two.

Fourth, the market situation of products, although the discount rate is an important reason for dealers to choose a brand, but it is not the only reason, because consumers do not play a decisive role in the purchase of goods. Therefore, dealers should pay attention to the product itself, product image and its accurate market positioning while paying attention to the price. At the same time, it should analyze whether the brand has suitable people in the local area and whether these people can maintain the brand to survive in the local area. The foundation.

Fifth, the service and support of enterprises to dealers, the competition of brands in the modern market is not only limited to the requirements of products, image and other hardware, but also the enterprise can provide consumers with continuous service capabilities. That is, the terminal's sales skills, after-sales service, quality assurance, consumption of the brand can bring the spirit of enjoyment and other services, is also the most difficult to achieve, but the dealer in the choice of operating the brand to test the business brand can effectively continue to operate important reason.

Sixth, when choosing a mature brand, because it has been operating in the market for many years, the coverage of the country is wide, and it is very popular among consumers. The requirements for dealers are relatively high. As a later dealer, they choose mature brands. The opportunity is relatively small. However, all roads lead to Rome. If you can find a new brand and be able to pay attention to the potential of this new brand, you can finally get the most benefit from your own efforts.

Therefore, choosing a brand should not blindly look for a big brand, depending on its own strength and environment. Investment is risky, especially investing in the new Yuba brand, because it takes a while for a new Yuba brand to be matured in the market, which means that a new brand is accepted by consumers in the market for two years. time. Therefore, when choosing a new brand, we must consider the reasons for brand selection from the above aspects, and comprehensively analyze the actual situation of the local market. We believe that from this perspective, dealers will be able to find a suitable Yuba brand and achieve good economic benefits in the market.


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